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Digital transformation and team diversity: Vittorio Massone’s career path

Roles of great responsibility, deep experience in the advisory business, trusted relationships with CEOs and Boards: these are some of the key elements that led Vittorio Massone to be recognized as a leading figure in the digital transformation sector.

Vittorio Massone’s working experience in the advisory sector

With a professional career of great responsibility in the advisory business – both in Italy and abroad – Vittorio Massone is an expert in management and digital transformation. His experience ranges from the fields of telecommunications, media/entertainment and digital, to industrial services, government and automotive. During his professional path, he had the opportunity to manage larger programs and to work with high-level Italian and international clients. After starting his career in 1989 – working as a Business Analyst for Klopman Textile Industry (Burlington Group) – he became an Associate at the management consulting firm Value Partners in 1993. The following year he joined Bain & Company, where the roles he held grew in importance over time: Manager (1995), Partner (1999), and then Director (2004). After gaining deep experience in the advisory business, he was involved in complex operations in the functional areas of strategy, organization, merger and acquisitions, customer experience, operational improvement, procurement. As a result of this, he had the opportunity to work with the following high-level clients: Poste Italiane, Pagine Gialle, Walt Disney, Rai, Consip, Sviluppo Italia (currently Invitalia), Coni Servizi, Gruppo Espresso, and Il Sole 24 Ore.

Vittorio Massone, successful turnarounds and digital transformation

From 1997 to 2008, he was involved in several turnarounds, where he supported the management of extremely complex operations. His commitment was particularly strong during the turnaround of Seat Pagine Gialle (1997-2001), where investors realized a return on their investments of approximatively 20 times. He was as well involved in the acquisition of Virgilio/Matrix (1999) – which was his first one in the Italian digital sector – and in the turnaround of Poste Italiane, where he helped the Group achieve important results: in the period, in fact, Poste Italiane went from suffering a loss of 200M Euros to realizing an EBITDA of about 2Bn, and, in addition, this result was achieved without redundancies. After this experience, in 2010 he continued his career abroad and relaunched Bain & Company operations in Africa in Johannesburg, where he was appointed to the role of Managing Partner. He led Bain & Company Africa to achieve market leadership in a few years. He supported as well the creation of a team of 200 people particularly focused on digital projects and digital transformation. Vittorio Massone also brought his innovative managerial vision based on team “diversity”. Until the end of 2018 he has been the leading figure for Bain & Company Africa. Furthermore, his help was also fundamental during the turnaround of the telecommunications company Telkom SA, whose shares grew from 14 to about 90 Rand. He was also member of the Board and President of the American Chamber of Commerce (South Africa), as well as Member of the Council at BLSA (Business Leadership South Africa). He is currently member of YPO, the Premier Leadership Organization of Chief Executive Officers. Vittorio Massone graduated in Economics with full marks at the Sapienza University of Rome (1989), and obtained a Master in Business Administration at the Bocconi University of Milan (1992).

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